Yes, more has been explored, actually much more, but there is still much left. The group battled the "Shelled Ones" and met Ardwolf? Who is this Ardwolf?
As the group continued to explore it seems like the southern caves so far have been excavated. The group made an assumption that this was done by another group. Who may that be?
2,000 xp's to whoever names them first! Great game guys as you continue to explore the Borderlands.
Now, I'll admit that tonight was all made-up by MEforthe Borderlands. These rooms were pretty much empty in the module but the situations we played out tonight with Ardwolf and the Shelled Ones was completely made-up.
I will make the Keep challenging and exciting, regardless of how bland the original is!
Does +5 Holy Avenger still exist? I remember in the hands of non-paladin it functioned as a normal +3 sword but granted much more powers if wielded by a Paladin.
Yes. I remeber about that with the paladin quest. It's funny because it was always a sword. Is it always a sword, still these days. I still remeber that old school cleric, rule. Where they could shed blood. So every cleric could only use blunt weapons. Intelligent weapons, are kind of iffy. I had one, when I had my dwarf fighter. It was ok, because me and weapon weren't completely on the same page. And because of that. It never really got strong and revealed it's more powerful abilities. Now if you could have a weapon that is completely with views of D&D life. Then bam. You could really become powerful.
So, we may need to do battle with this other group. We need to be ready as they seem formidable. They obviously have many individuals of various skill and must be prepared for anything including psionic attacks. Now, with that being said we will succeed as we always do but the time is coming close when we both enter the western caves! Either they back out or we battle.
Well, I guess nobody (especially Taladel as a Paladin) wants an intelligent weapon? I thought all paladins wanted a special weapon. I guess not this one. Maybe Taladel can go on a quest to acquire his own personal holy sword. Anyone remembers this from 1st or 2nd edition where the paladin had to go on a personal quest to obtain their holy sword. Well, it's still alive in our game and requires prayer to their god and requesting the offering of this special weapon.
Yes Viceak I certainly hope that sword is all talk. It has named me as its enemy. In the wrong hands, this sword is a threat to the innocent of our lands. We all heard his desire to slaughter...Do we deal with this? I will pray...
By the beard of fine-looking lady, leave sword to rest for no sword should voice his opinion. Me suppose Ardwolf have more bark than bite. Talk Talk Talk non-stop like dwarven woman and probably as useful as lazy Halfling. Borderlands very interesting place, need to be alert all the time for evil never sleep.
The keep is definitely keeping us busy. So it definitely feels like the other has made there way through, and have left us nothing aswell. We them coming through here, we can kind of, start seeing what power they may have, as a group. They definitely have some ,up close , fighter types. By the Mark's on the gnolls. They also took the arms of that leader. We also know they have rogue, who may ne pretty good, at there job, but resetting those traps. There are so things, that make me think, about them as a group. Why would they reset the stairs trap. After the keep us cleared someone will have to come down this way. I also wonder about there conversation with ardwolf. They didnt take him aswell. And then even reset the lock, so to deter someone else from going in that room. Did they something about ardwolf, that we didnt.
Yes taladel will go on a quest for his sword...maybe the party will partially join...or maybe his own quest completely...
Does +5 Holy Avenger still exist? I remember in the hands of non-paladin it functioned as a normal +3 sword but granted much more powers if wielded by a Paladin.
Yes. I remeber about that with the paladin quest. It's funny because it was always a sword. Is it always a sword, still these days. I still remeber that old school cleric, rule. Where they could shed blood. So every cleric could only use blunt weapons. Intelligent weapons, are kind of iffy. I had one, when I had my dwarf fighter. It was ok, because me and weapon weren't completely on the same page. And because of that. It never really got strong and revealed it's more powerful abilities. Now if you could have a weapon that is completely with views of D&D life. Then bam. You could really become powerful.
Allis' Habba Al Speaks (just for fun):
So, we may need to do battle with this other group. We need to be ready as they seem formidable. They obviously have many individuals of various skill and must be prepared for anything including psionic attacks. Now, with that being said we will succeed as we always do but the time is coming close when we both enter the western caves! Either they back out or we battle.
Well, I guess nobody (especially Taladel as a Paladin) wants an intelligent weapon? I thought all paladins wanted a special weapon. I guess not this one. Maybe Taladel can go on a quest to acquire his own personal holy sword. Anyone remembers this from 1st or 2nd edition where the paladin had to go on a personal quest to obtain their holy sword. Well, it's still alive in our game and requires prayer to their god and requesting the offering of this special weapon.
Taladel speaks:
Yes Viceak I certainly hope that sword is all talk. It has named me as its enemy. In the wrong hands, this sword is a threat to the innocent of our lands. We all heard his desire to slaughter...Do we deal with this? I will pray...
By the beard of fine-looking lady, leave sword to rest for no sword should voice his opinion. Me suppose Ardwolf have more bark than bite. Talk Talk Talk non-stop like dwarven woman and probably as useful as lazy Halfling. Borderlands very interesting place, need to be alert all the time for evil never sleep.
The keep is definitely keeping us busy. So it definitely feels like the other has made there way through, and have left us nothing aswell. We them coming through here, we can kind of, start seeing what power they may have, as a group. They definitely have some ,up close , fighter types. By the Mark's on the gnolls. They also took the arms of that leader. We also know they have rogue, who may ne pretty good, at there job, but resetting those traps. There are so things, that make me think, about them as a group. Why would they reset the stairs trap. After the keep us cleared someone will have to come down this way. I also wonder about there conversation with ardwolf. They didnt take him aswell. And then even reset the lock, so to deter someone else from going in that room. Did they something about ardwolf, that we didnt.
Damm, was a day late, and a dollar short on some free xp. Ohh well maybe next time.
2,000 XP's for Viceak added!
Nice job and ironically that is exactly how many you needed to level up.
Habba Al' Group!