You Sea Dogs are just another failed attempt at ending me. To date, none have. It does bother me that you've ruined my plans in establishing the Monastery as another sanctuary of evil. It bothers me so much that I'm sure you recognized my gift of the Sabosian's.
I've started to do research upon you. It's interesting hearing upon your travel within the Keep on the Borderlands. It seems you were competing against other groups. Hmmmmm? I wonder if the other groups would be interested in eliminating the ones that were victorious? I also hear there was a dragon. I've not confirmed this, but dragons never forget.
Now, I will offer a "sending spell" to your leader Kylor. If he proclaims his word on his god and your survival that your dealings with me are over, I shall also let it be. I have no qualms with you except if you continue to harass me in my endeavors.
Let us end our antagonistic ways but it all depends on you.
Desicus Speaks:
Pure enjoyment and dark bloodthirsty ecstasy!
I've given 2 groups precise location as to where I am. Neither has accepted my invitation. Cowards!
I'll give the same to the next 2 groups on my strength hierarchy, as this is fun to see the cowards shutter when an invitation is given to battle something they know they cannot defeat!
I'm quite curious to see who, if any accept? I'd gather none as all allow me to do what evil I do!
The "good folk" of Krinthius allow all to do what they want! I WILL!
Desicus Speaks:
In your minds you hear his mocking!
"Have you not checked on your loved ones? No, need as they are ALL dead. So easily accomplished with hired hands which act as simple merchants but are much more deadly than that. There were not many but stop your family search as any that you did not know I DID, and they are now gone.
Why? I simply take delight in torment. Oh, don't feel bad, you are one of a few that I have played my game with. Of the three I feel you may be in the middle of the pack with what I've done.
I now have minions, allies and my beloved on the Abyss. YES, the Abyss. However, the ones that work for me are so powerful and following that I can now rest in the hot suburbs of the Abyss in delight while I grow in power.
Do not fret as you are no longer a concern, but I do like antagonizing knowing you had a chance way back when and FAILED!
I will play my games with you when the mood strikes, and I'd guess one of my games will eventually kill you!
The heat here is lovely and is burning my red a nice dark, crisp maroon! My love likes my crispy fiery look and enjoys my ploy with you!
DM Speaks:
Tonight, I bought a really awesome, sexy mini for your ultimate encounter with Desicus.
Maybe Desicus has an unknown sexy physique beneath those robes or is it something else?
"Beluri, what would you care to do today? I've seen some elven adventurers plane shifting here a short while ago. Would you care to make their arrival a blood lust for us?
I'm heading back to the Prime Material Plane shortly so before my departure let us bathe in the blood of these fools.
I've identified 3 temples which I'd like to visit. I will bring back a body part from each of the head clerics for us to feast upon when I return. I am here my seductive demoness with whatever you need. Prepare for our next feast and I will make you the goddess you desire"
Desicus Speaks:
It is almost over! The gods of goodness shall slowly fall offering me their service. The first gone is the old weak dwarven God Torog! The LAST stronghold for his life is Hearthhome. However, there is no need to topple a kingdom such as this as they will waddle inside with the loss of their god which will soon be recognized. The next is the frivolous elven god - Correlon! Such enjoyment when I desecrate the dancing "twigs"!
I am Desicus - the NEW God of ALL!
Desicus Speaks:
I thought I'd allow you to know that Patriarch Tepricious is no longer. He spoke too much, and I am the only one that speaks for what I do. His body has been desecrated and partially eaten! It was less than savory so only a portion was with the rest being fed to the dogs of the abyss! I AM NO BISHOP as the fool stated!
I am simply Desicus!
Tepricious Speaks through your Minds:
You may not know me, but the great Bishop Desicus has asked me to make an introduction. I have been anointed his 2nd in command. It took me time and evidence to show I had his ideas in mind but after my evidence of slaughter and toppling of small helpless prayer locations I was offered to be his Patriarch. You may call me Patriarch Tepricious and my life is given to protect the great Bishop Desicus. We are now searching for 2 Cardinals of our faith, but 1 identified has to pass the test first! Bishop Desicus sends his regards and says you are far too late for any challenge of him and our faith! In the end every church and faith shall eventually fall to the great Bishop Desicus.
The reason for this communication is to ask if you'd like to join or fall if not?
Desicus - Update and Words Heard in Your Mind:
"I am reading you a local paper which outlines events within and around its community. It is very unfortunate and sad I'd gather in some minds. I find it enlightening as you've allowed it to happen. Here's the reading:
"The Town of Bribax lays in ruin as a devasting reign of magic was unleashed upon it for some unknown reason"
"A small community of elves was magically laid to rest with all inhabitants killed. Who or what was responsible for this is unknown as well as the reason"
"A small coastal community was brought to ruin as the shore waters raised to enormous levels destroying all homes and killing most"
I grow much stronger with these devastating life taking events through my god. Each event awards me and I send these messages to antagonize you as I do grow bored with the lack of defense against my actions.
Taladel speaks:
My plan is to go to the temple of Calistria and confront and defeat Desicus. If he is not there and has moved on to another target I will look for leads and see where it brings me
I understand the need for unity in achieving our goals. but Kylor you answered your own point. You stated the goodness of our world and defeating this threat is not important to you and you will not risk your life.
So how united could we be in this?
No one is really required to join me. I will go on foot if I have to. I will find others who share my beliefs. Others who worship the good gods that were mentioned...You make your own choices...but I am off after the competiton..
Another temple toppled. One dedicated to Calistria!
Ohh snap. Let's see what happens now. But we all know, in game, mike has used a trump.
ALL QUIET ON THE DESICUS FRONT, but who really cares?
What can this evil individual be up to?
Stealing from the poor, draining positive energy from innocents, recruiting ones to join and establish his next church, establishing an evil church, or imbibing a good meal, drink and enjoying life!
Why should you Sea Dogs even care?😂
Kylor Responds
SeaDogs, thank you for your input ... this is how I responded to Desicus. We need to now be ready and united in our task of dealing with Desicus. The SeaDogs and I have already had this agreement with you in place. You violated our agreement that was in place by sending the Sabosians. The SeaDogs and I voted not to interfere and pursue you and that your doings were no longer our concern. It was not our place to stop you and we were going to leave this to others of goodness to deal with. However, your violation of our agreement has shown us that you cannot be trusted and that your word means nothing. Trust me when I say that if you seek a fight with the SeaDogs then the SeaDogs will be more than willing to give you the fight you seek. just remember you did this, you are the one who violated our agreement. We need to now be ready and united in our task of dealing with Desicus.
Kylor Responds to Desicus: The SeaDogs and I have already had this agreement with you in place. You violated our agreement that was in place by sending the Sabosians. The SeaDogs and I voted not to interfere and pursue you and that your doings were no longer our concern. It was not our place to stop you and we were going to leave this to others of goodness to deal with. However, your violation of our agreement has shown us that you cannot be trusted and that your word means nothing. Trust me when I say that if you seek a fight with the SeaDogs then the SeaDogs will be more than willing to give you the fight you seek. just remember you did this, you are the one who violated our agreement.
Wherever there is Desicus there are lies! Pestie beardless fool now link by means of send with our chatty leader. Meese feel evil presence from which shake the iron off meese hammer. No discussion if we encounter, only combat. Smash toes no eliminate this foe, smash brain instead. He taste meese stone next time weese meet up. He also threaten with Hubba Bubba…..he has no beard so he know nothing apart from know how to clean bat-droppings. This ale is smooth and less filling! Get me another please.
Kylor Speaks:
Taladel, I feel that by him sending the Sabosians he violated our agreement that was in place; which ended that agreement. I now feel that any agreement made with him will be violated in his favor at any moment. I feel that he will seeking to have others act on his be half; such as the alis habba group; and claim they are acting on their own. I do not feel that his agreement with group will prevent him from having his revenge upon the group. That being said, I cannot and will not make an agreement that will put the SeaDogs as target whos actions are bound to an agreement made. However, I want to hear what the SeaDogs wish before responding to Desicus
Taladel speaks:
Kylor i respect you have come to us with this and opened the floor. I do know how you wish to respond, unless you have had a change of heart..
We have already voted, as you said, and yes he violated that agreement with the threats against Sindrax and the attack of the Sabosians...So he will make another agreement this time?
I predict he will not be able to let our actions in destroying the Monastery pass...
We can all remember Vesib's Vonners rage. If he had epic powers i predict he would have attempted to unleased them on us..
He lacked the ability to lash out. But Desicus does not.
I will be forced to honor a lawful agreement and potentially give our enemy the chance to strike when we least expect it.... But I pray to Iomedae to give you all the strength and goodness, so that I will not have to!
Kylor Speaks ( to the group first ) It seems that Desicus has sent me a message. In the message, he stated that we ruined his plans at the Monastery of Souls. He also confirmed that Taladel was not being paranoid when he stated that Desicus sent the Sabosians after us. Desicus also stated that he has started researching us, and was threatening to connect with a dragon as well as, the group from the Boardlands mission (alis habba group) Desicus stated that to prevent him from having any more issues with us he wants my words as the Leader of the SeaDogs and for me to swear my word on my god Desna. He states he wants to end our antagonistic ways. HOWEVER, I am confused by this message because we already gave Desicus our word. I remember putting this to vote with the group. The SeaDogs voted not to interfere and pursue Desicus... that his doings were no longer our concern. We have other more pressing tasks to allow others of goodness to deal with him. I feel that by him sending the Sabosians he violated our agreement in place. I now feel that IF he comes after us or the Wicked Wench then we will give him the fight he seeks.
SO I ask ...SEADOGS ... how do you wish me to respond.
Ohh, dammm. This got very real right now. This is a very tough decision to make. Wishing you the best of luck Kylor.
DM Speaks:
Although you will not as characters know what Kylor says it will be interesting to see as players! I await his response.
Will respond tonight after work --