DM Speaks:
Each member has 2 days' time to do what they want. Send me an email what your character would like to do, and I'll send you a response as to what happens. This is NOT TIME OFF but simply a short amount of time to do small tasks. If I feel what you're asking is too great, I'll send you a response as to this and then nothing happens.
Next week the group is heading to Caress Brizolara's Triad Tournament. The captain has made it clear that he will pay the entry fee, but he will take half of what's won. He has given a clear impression that he expects you to bring him back coins!
DM Speaks:
We start this week playing in the Triad Tournament. From there the question is whether you are out to find and destroy Palasha the Sea Crone or out to find and destroy Desicus? Of course, the Captain has work for you as well.
Desicus must be eliminated however meese belly tell me he come looking for group and we don’t need to go look for him. Sooner or later he will show himself.
DM Speaks:
I've sent small snippets to the ones that sent me what they'd like to do for their brief time off. Hope you got it with regards to who sent me something.
DM Speaks:
Now, let us not forget about Desicus! Maybe he has moved on, but I know 1 player (who is playing their alignment and PC great) may have issue with this. There might be another, but I haven't felt the push from them as of yet. Besides ones which have an alignment push to taking out this evil individual I wonder whether any other group members have this desire? My guess is NONE - As all are afraid and even the 2 that are somewhat compelled to take on this challenge are as well.
He shall live on and guess what - 1 temple has been "converted" as I type this!
On to the next!
Here is the Triad Master Caress Brizolara!
Remember the annual Triad Tournament gives you free cards to play, but not to take home. Winning the competition is great but what is the prize?