So, the group continues their exploration but during faced a minotaur which they defeated! You also found its treasure which consisted of many, many Triad Cards! What a bonus! Next week we continue to move through the Borderlands! I'd think you all expect more battles of various dangerous creatures but is there another Minotaur or worse?
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Kylor Speaks:
No I blame no-one for Mr. Meeks death but the Minotaur and the situation within the maze. The only person I blame is myself, for not pushing for us to take some time to organize ourselves before we have an encounter. We should each ensure that each of us to fill particular roles that compliment each of our skills and abilities. During this encounter, We allowed for several attacks to be launched because we were distracted and not staying alert for attacks. To correct this issue I suggest moving forward, someone will need to stay alert while others are investigating. I know that at least three of us took unnecessary attacks.