DM Speaks:
We end tonight at the top of the borderland entry looking down into the basin where the cave entrances are. However, entry was decided not to be done! Why? Well, it was because of the hundreds upon hundreds of individuals that were standing within the Borderland basin when from the center arose a monstrous creature. A two-armed gargantuan green monstrosity that from its two arms had multiple other snake-like protrusions. Two heads adorned the top of its torso with a draconic/demonic look. This enormous creature moved through the hundreds slaughtering and eviscerating any that stood in its way with complete disregard even for life though it seemed they were showing it worship and favor. It climbed the borderland cavernous walls and moved off in a direction of Montravail!
Now, as the creature left the group felt, I'd assume some relief, and were happy to make their way to the Borderland cave entrances. However, are there still ones alive in the basin after this creature left? Are they allies or enemies? Who knows but the borderland entrances await, and you have some decisions to make!
This is just the end note of an action-packed game with multiple battles against numerous goblins who had good terrain set-up making the battle much more difficult and the red drakes led by Aflax Gardenshire the strange experimental wizard! Who the hell is he? Strange without question! Ally? Enemy? This shall be seen in some time but what do you think?
And here is the creature that arose from the Borderland ceremony!
And take a look at NPC pictures to see what Aflax Gardenshire looks like.
Gave 3 XP player bonuses tonight for saying the "PASSWORD" to me this evening! Thanks for paying attention (it makes me smile) and good for you and your reward)! Keep an eye out on the boards for clues, secrets and hints for many things! It may be more than bonus xp's in the future!
Kylor Speaks: Where the demon is heading is pure speculation, we just know it was moving in the general direction of Montravail. If the demon was truly heading towards Montravail, there is no way we can get there before it does. We can only travel by foot. We have no magical means of travel. I know that I do not have any magical means of communication. Even if we did who would we send the message to that would believe the message. For me the pressing questions, that we may find the answers to and may offer more insight are the following: We need to discover clues as to why there was a group of hundreds upon hundreds of individuals here that were standing within the Borderland basin to just get slaughtered.
What is the significance of this basin and why??? Why this Demon and why now ?? I think investigating here will turn up more information and possibly have a greater impact, such as a possible way to unsummon, weaken, defeat, or trap the demon. However, as I said before right now everything about this demon is purely speculation on our part, because we have no facts.