Lower level, tiles magically damaging group with each move, creatures animated from the columns ready to attack and Desicus aware of what is going on and ready! What a game and what lies ahead! Seems quite dangerous!
Fun Points of Observation:
Kylor - Leader: Leading the group and taking the lead in decisions and converation.
Syndrax - Sub-Leader: Being strong with his conviction and unwavering with his points.
Taladel: Observing and listening but immediatly interjecting when it comes to his objection.
Viceak: Forward and direct not wanting to waste time with unnecessary discussion.
Quavol: Somewhat inquisitive and reserved but boistrous when it becomes necessary.
Just me thoughts.
Love the fun points of observations --
No time for tally dally pally. Meese rather enjoy meese ale than talk talk talk. Too much talk sometime lead to many lies. Leave talk to you and iron for me. Gotta go, meese have toes to smash!
Very intresting points of observation. As for Dessicus. We havent really seen what he can do. But those robots are extremely tough and there are 4 of them. I hope everyone is prepared for a battle. Our potions dont protect us from the robots
DM Speaks:
A random point about this mission. We started with a Monsatery of Souls post. It wasn't given a number as at that time I didn't know this would become such a long, epic and ongoing mission. With that being said we are up to the Mopnastery of Souls Post V! How much longer will this ride and how many more posts?
Mike speaks:
I was hopeful we could avoid a controntation wit the constructs so we can directly attack desicus...
Does Kylor have those spheres at his disposal and are they big enough to hold them for some time?
DM Speaks Again:
How dangerous is Desicus? He's just a human after all (or is he) and if human that's not a threat, or is it?