Just a thought. Most every successful group needs one to lead. This group, understandably, has not chosen one yet. You are trying to find your way home and really not an adventuring party yet. However, I'd gather that in time this will develop into a group and a leader and sub-leader will need to be chosen. Who shall those be? I am very curious myself as I feel all PC's have shown leadership qualities. In former groups I sort of felt who the leader was. However, with this 5 I am uncertain.
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Sean Speaks: I agree it is too soon and there is no need for a leader now. I think that the group of students could become an adventuring group before they return home easily and some steps toward that path have occurred in-game.
Haven't given this any thought. Will be interesting with such a mixed bag of races. Chosen leader will need to have good diplomacy check for we may not be accepted in many towns/cities. I don't believe there's a front runner.
I feel we are not truly a group just yet. We are kind of together right now, based on survival and also because of the school we are in. I am thinking that could all change once we get back to montraville. Sorry just RP this out. But as for a leader. I feel almost anyone in the group could fill the role. There may be 1 or 2, that fit the leader role, just slightly better then the rest.