Tonight, we moved further into the Borderlands killing the orc leader! The group also found some nice magic items in the orc leader's stash! Next week you continue to explore these caves probably expecting more battle. Your job is to excavate the entire Borderlands and there is much more ahead. What beasts, organizations and creatures could be waiting within these caves?
Kylor Speaks:
No matter what beast, creatures, monsters, or humaniods we encounter the task before us will not be a cakewalk and we need to be on our "A" game moving forward, as well as, challenge our morals and beliefs that we each hold dear. There were several mistakes that caused us to lose the advantage and put us needlessly at risk, from lowering our guard during negotiations, as well as, resting in caves that have not been completely cleared out. . Moving forward within the rest of the caves all that we can do is be on our best "A" and learn from our past mistakes and do better next time. I want to see us be completely successful as we move forward.