My anxiety with the game and player numbers is quite known by all! I need my 5 PLAYERS! The funny thing is there has never been any inadequate player composition at the game in my 40 years of DM'ing! There's always been a full table or close to one but never a short table. How the hell is that possible? How have I DM'd for 40+ years and never had a game where there were insufficient players at the table.
Now, don't misunderstand my post. Of course there are times when you have 5 players and 2 miss and you're playing with 3. There could even be that ecepotionally rare time when 3 of the 5 players miss and you play with 2. Regardless that doesn't mean that you don't have those 5 players coming week to week.
The post is about my DM'ing career and never having less than a core 5 players coming to the game. Yes, maybe for a short period there has been 4 as we searched for a 5th but damn I have been exceptionally lucky to have all of you and my previous players for allowing this. A never ending abyss of gaming! What more could anyone ask for!
I do feel bad that we could not add someone else to the table. I feel that if we even tried it would drasitrically have a negative impact on the game by slowing it down. Plus there would be a time for him to aclimate to the group. I like that we have Tom coming back becasue he knows all of us already. He also will bring a lot to the table withou negatively impacting it. Every gaming group should be as lucky as we are with our group. We have an amazing game with depth and stability.
Kind of sucks. That you have another player who really wants to join the game. But you cant psychically have that many players at the game. He seems very eager to join and very into the game. He would probadly be an asset to the game. But there is nothing you can really do. Especially since we know how fun the game is. And we really know what he is truly missing.
So, with the player up and down I thought I'd share something interesting. I got an email from the "other" Sean today. He must have just read my email that we couldn't bring him in now. He was cool with it but did ask if there was any possibility to add him. He expressed that he saw all my posts on random boards, saw our site (?) - private but maybe you can view, and generally got a very good impression of our game and my style of DM'ing. He was very complimentary of me and the game although he's never been at our table? Yes it was nice and gave me more emapthy and compassion but I had to sadly still tell him NO. With Tom we are BIG TIME FULL! I will keep him in mind for the future but damn it is so hard turning down desiring players. Gaming is great and there are so many that just can't find a game. He also expressed how excited he was to get back to gaming and was looking into all the rules and books until I told him "NO".
You keep em coming back! 😀