So next week you will bring in new characters. Make sure if you are going outside the CORE you get my approval for the class or race first. If you don't I may so no and you'll have to start from scratch. EVERY core class is auto approved. All characters will be 1st level.
-You will have 1 Potion as a magic item. If a scroll is better for your class I will accept that as a substitute but it must be a 1 first level spell. You must send me what you want, and get approval. Failure to do this starts you with nothing. PERIOD.
-You will be starting the game in Myth Drannor. You have come here with your instructor Principal Pouessal a human male with a very flamboyant personality which gets him much teasing from his students but is much beloved without question. All of you have an endearing connection to him in one way or another as he could be considered a father if he wasn't your instructor. He offers instruction in a non-serious manner and makes it all seem like fun and actually recreation. However, he teaches well and learning from Principal Pouessal is unequitable! You have the best instructor and you know it.
-You are in a training Academy called "the Gifted". This academy is for individuals that have displayed exceptional gifts or talents as a child and the City of Montravail works to promote these to build them into persons working for the city in future various roles. The city pays for the instruction and being identified as a "Gifted" is an exceptional honor for students but even more their parents!
-You are from the URNET UPPER DISTRICT of Montravail. A short history of the district follows:
Urnet District (Upper) – “The Instructional District”
Ø District Summary: Education and training.
Ø Religious Institutions within District:
o Abadar (replaced Saint Cuthbert): (L/N) God of cities, wealth, merchants and law Saint
o Gorum (replaced Kord): (CG) God of athletics, sports, brawling, strength and courage.
o Torog (replaced Moradin): (L/G) God of the dwarves, smithing, protection, metal-craft, stonework
o Irori (replaced St Cuthbert): (L/N) God of History, knowledge, self-perfection
Ø Cost of Residence:
o Ranked 24th most affordable District of 32 within all of Montravail – Ranked 11th most affordable
District of 19 within Upper Districts (excludes Wayfarer District). Lower # is more affordable! This excludes the Wayfarer’s, Court and Province Districts.
Ø Tree Type:
o Pipe Cactus
The persons who reside here are quite wealthy. They use their wealth to educate and train. This district is known as the instructional district because there are many trainers here of various arts willing to teach persons many different skills and ways. Every building here has the capacity to teach an individual something. This can be from a skill, fighting style, martial arts special moves, psionic disciplines and much more. If one is looking to be trained and learn this is the district for you! The cost for training is quite high, but individuals get the chance to work under some of the best-known persons in the field.
Many well-known adventurers are hired here and paid to assist in the training of various sorts! There are many buildings in this district offering various training. The buildings all go up at least 3 levels if not more. Partying, drinking and any other frivolous thing such as gambling is highly frowned upon in this district. Trainers will not offer their skill to ones who are not serious and go about it the right way. Training in areas other than serious disciplines are NOT offered here (however, there is said to be a couple who go against the norm and do train in other areas; however, this is a secret well kept). The price is high for these trainings (minimum 7,500 gp’s). All trainers announce that the “Lion” will ultimately decide whether they pass or not. You are aware that the "Lion" is a Manticore Fountain called the Red-Carpet Fountain. How it will decide your fate in passing your classes and working for Montravail you have no clue.
From what you know about the district:
The Red Carpet Manticore Fountain: This fountain not only gives regular drinking water, but also decides on all individual’s passing or failing whatever training they have taken within this district. Strangely as it seems all institutions of learning that reside within this district go by the same edict that when one is coming to the end of their educational instruction the “Lion” will decide on whether they have passed or not. This means that they will get their last day of training here.
Dragon’s Head: This large building has ongoing purplish lights spew forth from a gigantic black dragon head perched atop a large building! All you know is this building is amazing and you wonder who and what lives inside.
THE GAME BEGINNING - What you know
-You are in Myth Drannor with Principal Pouessal being the Gifted Students. You are on the outskirts of the most south-eastern section of the map for an educational field trip! So cool and you cannot be more excited. You are heading to Myth Drannor even if on the outer edge! ALL are excited by this opportunity. Keep in mind regardless of class ALL can be excited. Think about why your class and character would be overwhelmingly excited by this experience. Use that in your write up.
-Arriving at the Myth Drannor border you are fascinated by Principal Pouessal stories of the lands. You all want more and beg him to allow you to actually enter the borders. He is adamite that you cannot and jokes that "I'll be fired if I do". You all chuckle saying you'd never tell and pleading relentlessly.
Finally, your beloved professor says, "Let's go". Your pleading and requests hava e finally convinced him. He does say "I will be removed from my position if they find out I brought you inside the Myth Drannor you know. However, I know if I don't I'll never hear the end of it from all of you in class. I'll take you to see one building and that is all! Agreed?"
Overwhelmingly excited and loving Principal Pouessal even more now you all cheer in excitement, give him a hug and say "let's go"! Looking at you he smiles and says "I guess we go" and starts sharing stories of the building you will be heading into!"
Walking into Myth Drannor is amazing for all of you! As students and friends, you are amazed at this opportunity. Principal Pouessal starts to share the story of the building you will be entering. He shares a scary and mysterious story of a demon lord that was once contained within. He tells of how powerful it was and how it required multiple elven wizards to stand guard over its imprisonment to ensure it was secure. One night however, as the eleven guards slept through their routine uneventful watch the demon lord escaped killing all the sleeping elves. This Demon Lord was never seen again as the morning guards saw the slaughter. All of Myth Drannor was searched but the demon lord was not found. Where it went is uncertain, but it is speculated that it returned to the Abyss.
As Principal Pouessal completes his compelling story he opens the door to the building and proclaims, "Here is where the Demon Lord Escaped". Feeling a bit scared the door flies open and your fear amplifies as you hear a voice from inside say "I'm still here old man and you will be the first to die with my return". In an instant a bolt of electricity streaks towards Principal Pouessal causing him the fall and sizzle in ongoing convulsions. Next the demon looks at you and says, "I guess you are next"!
Overwhelmed by what just happened to Principal Pouessal and terrified by this winged demon you all run as fast and far away as possible. Finding a suitable building in Myth Drannor you huddle together and wonder what to do? Is this demon coming for you? How can you even return to Montravail and where is it from where you are? Worried and scared as young men you gather as a group contemplating what to do!
They had a racial quota, that needed to be meet. To continue there funding.