DM Speaks:
Thanks for the great game! I think we all agreed after the game that it was a fun filled evening of action, battle and decisions. I had a blast so thank you!
However, next week you still need to figure out how to enter the Ashtire Shadowsphere? As you have investigated some off looking stone golems are approaching as what seem to be protection against your entry.
You fought reefclaws, allowed a huge school of dolphin/sharks pass by, had a massive minnow school slam into you, and then saw the golems!
If this wasn't enough you were able to most importantly uncover that Halwat was working for Desicus in an attempt to lead you to your death. As crazy as this may seem you spoke with Halwat giving him allowance to travel with you, but then his head "exploded"! 😯
Please share your thoughts as it was quite a game!
Sean Speaks: I am truly devastated that Kylor put everything he could into saving this man's life and yet he still failed (by 2 points lol ) and then at personal cost and risk to himself attempted to have Halwat brought back and even that failed. This loss of Halwat will have long-term effects on Kylor and just steeled his resolve that Taladel has been right that Desicus must be defeated. I am sad that Halwat's story has ended.