So the group heads back to Montravail to do research and study on "How to Close Portals"! Information was given but none to the liking of the group. As this is happening there is action beneath the docks and Sindrax meets one who goes by the name of "Embalmer". Creepy name and maybe a more creepy individual.
The group is heading back to the Monastery of Souls next week with whatever gains they've gotten at Montravail. Desicus seems like an intimidating enemy, maybe more than any within recent time. He has his animated constructs to aid him in battle which are quite formidable! This seems to be a major battle and I assure you there will be surprises.
Will Desicus destroy the group and remain an enemy for future groups as he grows his legion of undead churches and monasteries? We shall see soon enough - NEXT WEEK I am sure!
On another note - What's up with Tomlin's passing? He was researching information on the Monastery? Hmmmmm, strange or is it coincidence?
Taladel speaks:
Yes i am very much for staying and trying to uncover the details of the threats to the library and the death of Tomlin..This cannot be a coincidental circumstance..
And worst case, we get the knowledge we need to close the portal to Hell...
Another thought.,,,if no one else has asked themselves.....what if we into the portal? perhaps our answers lie beyond?
Kylor Speaks: I agree it would not be a good thing IF Tomlin, were killed either for the research work he did for our group or IF he was killed researching the Monastery of Souls. This is why I suggest that we spend a few days here in Montravail to research magical portals ourselves. Perhaps if we are doing our own research on magical portals the mysterious three men may approach us. We can then learn if they had something to do with Tomlin's death as well as why they are intimidating the Liberians to not assist us now. We may gain some information that will shine some light and provide us some answers.
I didnt make friends with the Embalmer. That was quiavoil. But maybe that could have been beneficial. Dont dismiss the information that can be obtained through the dock district. Maybe the Embalmer, knows what happened to Tomblin. But as for that situation. That would be ashame if his death, had something to do, with meeting us. All he did was what we had asked/paid him to research. That would be messed up if that's why he died. I would be willing to help the library with this situation. If they wanted us to get involved. But they really seem like they didnt want us involved. And as for the monastery. Yeah it's getting crazy down there with these golems and Dessicus. We have to get him away from those golems. We cant fight all 5 of them at once. I do wonder if the portal has a connection to Dessicus, personally. And be closing it. Might send him back to hell.
Kylor Speaks: SeaDogs, I want to thank you again, for taking my body (me) to Montavail and bringing me back. It seems that our attempts to research "portals" is being blocked. Tughet stated that three men stopped him. It is strange that Tomlin recently died, but is it connected or just a coincidence meant to distract us? We are currently here in Montravail, it would not be the worst idea just to take a few days to see what we can find out about both Tomlin's death and portals. Perhaps if we are doing our own research on magical portals the mysterious three men may approach us.
Quavol - making friends with someone called "Embalmer" who enjoys bodies washing on shore and terrifying people. As for this Desicus- SeaDogs, this is someone will have to take out for many reasons. We cannot just walk away from him. We have faced difficult and "impossible" tasks before, (ie English Stairs, Cloud Giant, Magladon,etc) and were victorious. We have this, for we are stronger together, do not allow one man to intimidated us.
Miike speaks:
Was he researching the Monastery? Was that stated and i missed it?
I thought Tughet said he was doing some exclusive research but was not specific?