Tonight, we had an action-packed role-playing night. All were involved but Viceak had a major play in it. In visiting his adopted parents all didn't seem right in his eyes! He felt something wasn't right which led to much investigation and assistance from the Flaming Fist Guard of Montravail and the group. In the end the Flaming Fist had no concrete evidence that something was arise, but Viceak and members of the group disagreed.
Amazingly the Wicked Wench was about to head off to sea, but Captain Bluebeard adhered to Viceak's plea to remain at Montravail for another 2 days so he could investigate the situation with his father further.
We start next week at Montravail with the group trying to see if there is something going on with Viceak's dad!
Fun game with NO battle! It's amazing we can play almost 4 hours with not 1 battle. That just shows how great our group is with storyline and role playing! Awesome job all! It was a fun night as all are!
Kylor Speaks: I must apologize I just assumed that your words of religious bravado were statements of the as the austerity of your conclusions. I didn't realize that they were empty words with no real truth behind them and just ideas. This is good .. for it makes for an interesting story. plus if it is merely ideas then it is something that can be discussed and modified.
It is great that we will be open to the facts and follow them wherever the information takes us. Even if we dislike or disagree with the facts.
Speaking of the facts we should look at them as we currently see them. One major fact that we do know is that the Flaming Fist did investigate and provided some good facts. 1) magic is not involved 2) there was a grave dug (even if it may have been in error) 3) There is someone who identifies as Viceak's father (and may actually truly be him)
Taladel speaks:
Kylor I found keeping up with your name changes much more exhausting...
HaHa. But with all that was one really had any conclusions..only theories and plans and places to start looking one knows exactly what in the Abyss might be going lets decide, where we start in finding out.
Kylor Speaks:
I am surprised that you guys are not exhausted from jumping to conclusions about situations, especially this one. There is just not enough information available to make a clear conclusion. While Viceak's feeling of something being a miss when combined with the mysterious rumors and the grave does make one want to investigate further. While the memory issues can be attributed to old age or illness. However, when examined with magic there appears to be evidence of anything wrong.
Sinbdrax brings up investigating finances which is a sound place to explore for a start
Taladel also brings up another place to invcestigate the new woman who is working for Viceak's father.
As one who likes stories, and right now with the information with having there is no real story. Ask yourself, did your father have any enemies? Why now? Was your father working on anything? Why did he hire this woman? an inquiring mind has many questions and will analyze the information before jumping to a mysterious unnatural evil bent on some horrible world-ending task. The real answer is usually a little more boring and believable.
I bring this up so that we approach this with a truly open mind with no conclusions
. .
I definitely feel like we got a murder mystery on our hands. To solve.
DM Speaks:
I think we have some excitement this upcoming game. First, I love a bit of mystery and last week led you on that path of "what's going on?". Second, I love an interesting enemy or enemies. I like ones that have intelligence, planning and can play out much stronger than their actual character sheets depict. Let's see how things play out next week.
I prepared some terrain as well so if things do come to a situation involving battle things are all set! I only do that when I feel the situation warrants it and I feel this will!
Is that a body I see? Did Viceak's dad wear red trousers?
And the secret word this week is "Trousers". Text, email or say it to me at game and gain a bonus 500 xp's! A thanks for reading my posts! One player always gets the bonus xp's. Two others get it most of the time and the other 2 just about never. Sorry for them. Free xp's!
Wow the captain must really like you. We got two days to figure this out. We need to find out what your fathers past business deals where. I feel that this thing with your father is not, just some random person, that has been targeted. Your father's wealth could defiantly be a motive for this. You father had some type of will. Let's start with that. You two came from, type of school. I think you said, it was called. The kids in the big tub. Or was it the re-gifted?.Maybe they can help or point us in some direction. We defiantly have options here. Maybe that shop owner, you got the magic hammer from, knows something.
Taladel speaks:
An injustice has most likely taken place...if Viceak's father's grave has indeed been violated..this must be punished with said violator being brought to justice!
And he might have been raised from the dead, and controlled for nefarious purposes..
Such an act is unnatural and evil, and an affront to me, both as an elf, and as a Paladin of Holy Blood!
I have a difficult time dismissing this as the city performing an erroneous digging of a grave. Due to the fact of this former adventurer acting so inconsistent with his memory and dealings with his own son...something is afoot. And it seems there is much to gain by controlling your father...
But we need more information and must investigate. We cannot look to the city to provide assistance in this...
This new woman should the first one to be looked at...
Perhaps we can surveil for now? We have some rogue types with us and should see what transpires in the idle, non public hours...