So, you made it down the volcano and recovered a ruby estimated at 5,000 gp's! WOW, that is quite a sum of gold. However, it is not fist-sized and there are questions whether it is the true ruby that Captain Bluebeard sent you to recover. The game ended at the top of the volcano discussing whether this is the true ruby and should be brought back to the Wicked Wench or if there's something you missed and more searching needs to be done. Tough question and lots of fun for you pirates!
There was a great deal of battling tonight for those who love the role play. All sorts of dinosaurs were encountered as well as the Charau-Ku! Love throwing in some creative native life! Questions were also brought up in regard to whether the group should have allied with one of the native tribes! All fun stuff for a great game of intrigue, wonder and question!
What strange sound. I hear nothing.