If anyone is looking for something to take of that game itch, that cant wait till Wednesday, then here is the answer for you. I recently came across a new video Game, called Solatsa. It's on steam. It's a D&D video game, and this is about as close as you get, to being at the table. I have tried almost all the D&D video type games. And this is truly the closest. But it does use the 5th edition rules. There are also multiplayer modes and you can even create you on dungeon for other people to do. You can post private games for just your friends to join or make it public for anyone to join. They have 9 classes to use. Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, rogue, wizard, sorcerer, cleric and druid. And each has a bunch of sub classes/variants to use for each. They only have 2 offical modules out, from the developer. Some of the classes and the 2nd module, needs to be bought. Aswell as the game itself. Check it out if you think it's something that may intrest you. And for anyone that buys, we can definitely run a game together. I am posting a link to the trailer for you to check out.
No I never did.
Did you every play the pathfinder kingmaker