Fun and interesting game again and we had a FULL HOUSE which makes me very happy! Remember that attendance gains you BIG xp's. Think about it...just attending gains you xp's! What more could you ask for.
We start next week with the group leaving the Bolderlands and standing atop the mountains overlooking it. The group is discussing how to move forward with this mission, the Habba Al' Group and payment upon completion. Many things to take into consideration!
Any thoughts on this or other things! Please bring it up for discussion.
DM Speaks:
I believe a battle is inevitable. I can't say 100% but playing the Habba' Al Group and knowing their thoughts as well as yours I feel it will be tuff to avoid combat. Now, these battles scare me. I understand the possible devastation that can happen with the horrid possibility of having to start a new group. I always hope this is NOT the situation but understand it can happen. Now don't get me wrong, they are fun and exacting, and I LOVE using major groups equal to you and your abilities against you, but I do worry about the battle outcome. We shall see what happens if battle ensues!
I have a suggestion to everyone, for this battle. Please look over your character classes abilities and feats. Please read them prior to the game. I think this is very easy thing for everyone to do, that doesn't take up a lot of their time. I think it will be such a disadvantage on our part. When someone says. I just got this new ability/ feat/ spell, and this is first time I ever read it. If you have a few abilities to use during the fight. get an index card and write them down, so they are right in front of you, and you forget them. This battle will be tough. Any type of advantage that we can get. We need to have it for this battle. Every turn will matter. Thats why I want everyone to read up on their character. And be prepared as much as possible. I know some people went up. If you got level 9, then you get a feat. Look it up this weekend. There is a ton of stuff on the line here with this situation. If we don't' win this battle. Some of us may die, and the captain may kill some of us as well.
We need everyone's "A" game, for this battle.
I am open to hearing suggestions on any type of battle tactics. Here are some things, that I have gathered about them.
Allis Hobba Melee type
Dologor Melee type, possible barbarian
Mastera Melee type. Monk
Nevlar Rogue, sneak attack, could be ranged or melee
Morgrimm Some type of spellcaster.
It looks like we are between a rock and hard place, on this one. I definitely want to complete this mission. And at a point. I was fine with the whole deal we made with them, with the 5k gold. But now, they don't want to pay us the 5k and want everything for themselves. And no matter, what happens, unless we just flat out leave the area completely. We are going to have battle them. I don't feel there will any type of diplomacy that is going to get them to change their minds. If we want to seek them out, to talk about the message the kobold gave us. Then we can, but just know. It's going to end in battle. So be prepared for it.
My vote for seek them out, is based on the reasons that others gave. I feel that while we are exploring this temple, and possibly battling undead. That the Hubba Bubba group, comes in, and starts taking shoots at us, and aiding the undead. In ending our lives. One thing is, we are going to have to find them, or lure them out. Even if we come waving Takamaru's dirty underwear. They may just use that, as a target for their ranged attacks. Everyone be prepared for battle. It's going to happen. I just don't see any other way. We actually tried to work with them, and THEY just won't allow that.
DM Speaks:
I'm happy as DM to hear you want to complete this mission. Personally, that's my desire but you guys lead the direction and as always, I'm OK with whatever you choose, I guess we shall see!
Taladel speaks"
I absolutely want to get back to completing this mission...Habba Al' has seemingly potentially threatened the group if we continue doing so...
Simply put, how do we wish to handle?
Do we just go back to our business in exploration? Doing so could put us at risk for ambush
Do we go to confront Habba Al regarding the message we received, with expectation of likely combat?