I belive that if you engage the cloud giants you'll destroy them. This group with Viceak, Sindrax, Takamaru, Taladel and and Kylor are unbeatable! You are epic!
UPDATE: The cloud giants have just gotten reinforcements and are more trouble then initially thought! The group will die! 😁
You have the ALE but continue to traverse the stairs!
I'm so confident in the group's sucess that I've been working on an epic mission. I already have a few missions prepared and waiting but an EPIC mission is something which I consider very dangerous and is usually a long journey with many steps. I based this one on group requests on the boards as per mission type desires. This one certainly meets a couple of those desires but I do need the group to survive thie cloud giant assault if it is to be played. Otherwise it's placed in my inventory of "future adventures". LET US BATTLE!
Here is my offical stance on what to do next. My vote is go back to the boat and turn in the beer. I am not confident in battling the giants. I rather take my chances with the captain, then these giants. As I have spoke before. The giant mission, has now turned into a crusade. I have also not heard of any other way, to complete the giant mission, then assault the castle. I did hear someone say they where smashing toes. So with that all said. My vote is to return to the boat with the beer. I would like to have something accomplished for this journey
I love good battles and intrigue and all that the game offers us.
And I, among many, if not all of us, are invested in their characters...
I will not say we cannot be successful in getting the sword. But in order to do this, much would have to go our way...
Already, we do not have the element of suprise on our side...this is preventing anyone from using stealth, although some of us still see it as a possible option. I caution to at least re-think that...
We also cannot hope that we can isolate and eliminate, as the whole army will defend their castle with everything they have, as the DM told us.
And we were given reason to believe teleportation or plane shift out of the castle would not be an option...so going with a feeling of the security of a quick exit might be foolhardy..
As Taladel, i would be open to another run at an attack and hope for some good luck. But we also would need some idea of a strategy. i mentioned attepting to ally with the Kirin, but this was shot down as impossible and not considered.....so are there any other thoughts?
Maybe they have a weakness we can exploit? Maybe someone can ask using a speel or a skill check?
Or Is anyone feeling like we shouild pass on this?
If the group is up for a challenge then this is for you. If your overly concerned about the possibility (and I say only the possibility) of losing your PC then maybe this is too much of a risk.
If you decide to move forward exciting battles are ahead. Personally I'm excited to see how the group stacks up against these cloud giants and their minions. I've gone back and forth on how I feel the group's chance of success is and that's truly because I'm not sure. For all I know this could be a pretty simple and straight forward victory for the group, but could also be a TPK! The group has never faced enemies such as this so this leads to my uncertainty as well.
I have a very clear reason why I can see this as being pretty easy for the group but I also have a very clear reason where I can see this being exceptionally difficult.
Here's a small pic of the cloud giant forces. I purposely made it small so you can't pic up all details but maybe with some skill you can. Not too many! They should be a pushover!
I do see all minis are HUGE but what would you expect of cloud giant forces! There also seems to be a couple of creatures that aren't giants! I'm sure you can see them but are they allies, a random encounter or prisoners?
A dragon is part of the castle forces. Are you serious. The kiren alone had me spooked. Now we are adding a dragon into the mix. Well I guess my decision is go back to the boat, with the beer. 1 out of 2 , isn't that bad. The cloud giants is looking like suicide, now.
Missions and adventures are all dangerous. Some more than others but all have their danger and the possibility of character deaths. The majority of missions offered (90-95%) have an inherent understanding that the group can succeed. However, so many things play into the groups success on these challenging battles.
Having a group battle strategy, knowing the enemy and their possible weaknesses, taking advantage of terrain, having the necessary weapons or magic and just plain good dice rolls. It can depend on how good the DM/enemies dice rolls are that night as well.
I always believe the group will come out on top, but hope for an exciting and close battle against the major opponent(s) in the end.
We got the beer. A major decision needs to be made. Do we leave and turn in the beer to the captain. Or do we continue on with the giant mlm mission. So we tired to do the giant mission. I am not saying our attempt was a total failure. I feel the group is totally not united in what to do with the giant mission. The mission itself has turned, from getting that sword, to a crusade to kill all life in the castle. The mission orginally was extremely difficult. Now the mission is even, more difficult because we need to destroy, all life in the castle. An all assault on the castle is not something I think we should do. But what else is there. There was an idea of trying to use invisible to hide us and get to, or into the castle. But not all or for this, or will even partake in this action. So what else , do we do. We are definitely not some beginner adventurers. But we are not crazy powerful to assault a cloud giant castle an take on, an evil kirin. I am open to hear ideas.
And here is a PIC of the enemy Kirin! All DM repainted with magical and mystical colors! Maybe I'm wrong but I think it looks pretty crazy cool from its original!
My vote is we go and battle...evil must be vanquished...and if we obtain the sword to complete our mission in the process, all the better of course...
To be clear Sindrax, this is not a crusade...if we get the sword, I am all for going with that victory...
DM Speaks:
I'm so confident in the group's sucess that I've been working on an epic mission. I already have a few missions prepared and waiting but an EPIC mission is something which I consider very dangerous and is usually a long journey with many steps. I based this one on group requests on the boards as per mission type desires. This one certainly meets a couple of those desires but I do need the group to survive thie cloud giant assault if it is to be played. Otherwise it's placed in my inventory of "future adventures". LET US BATTLE!
Here is my offical stance on what to do next. My vote is go back to the boat and turn in the beer. I am not confident in battling the giants. I rather take my chances with the captain, then these giants. As I have spoke before. The giant mission, has now turned into a crusade. I have also not heard of any other way, to complete the giant mission, then assault the castle. I did hear someone say they where smashing toes. So with that all said. My vote is to return to the boat with the beer. I would like to have something accomplished for this journey
Mike speaks:
I love good battles and intrigue and all that the game offers us.
And I, among many, if not all of us, are invested in their characters...
I will not say we cannot be successful in getting the sword. But in order to do this, much would have to go our way...
Already, we do not have the element of suprise on our side...this is preventing anyone from using stealth, although some of us still see it as a possible option. I caution to at least re-think that...
We also cannot hope that we can isolate and eliminate, as the whole army will defend their castle with everything they have, as the DM told us.
And we were given reason to believe teleportation or plane shift out of the castle would not be an option...so going with a feeling of the security of a quick exit might be foolhardy..
As Taladel, i would be open to another run at an attack and hope for some good luck. But we also would need some idea of a strategy. i mentioned attepting to ally with the Kirin, but this was shot down as impossible and not considered.....so are there any other thoughts?
Maybe they have a weakness we can exploit? Maybe someone can ask using a speel or a skill check?
Or Is anyone feeling like we shouild pass on this?
Here's a small pic of the cloud giant forces. I purposely made it small so you can't pic up all details but maybe with some skill you can. Not too many! They should be a pushover!
I do see all minis are HUGE but what would you expect of cloud giant forces! There also seems to be a couple of creatures that aren't giants! I'm sure you can see them but are they allies, a random encounter or prisoners?
DM Speaks:
Missions and adventures are all dangerous. Some more than others but all have their danger and the possibility of character deaths. The majority of missions offered (90-95%) have an inherent understanding that the group can succeed. However, so many things play into the groups success on these challenging battles.
Having a group battle strategy, knowing the enemy and their possible weaknesses, taking advantage of terrain, having the necessary weapons or magic and just plain good dice rolls. It can depend on how good the DM/enemies dice rolls are that night as well.
I always believe the group will come out on top, but hope for an exciting and close battle against the major opponent(s) in the end.
We got the beer. A major decision needs to be made. Do we leave and turn in the beer to the captain. Or do we continue on with the giant mlm mission. So we tired to do the giant mission. I am not saying our attempt was a total failure. I feel the group is totally not united in what to do with the giant mission. The mission itself has turned, from getting that sword, to a crusade to kill all life in the castle. The mission orginally was extremely difficult. Now the mission is even, more difficult because we need to destroy, all life in the castle. An all assault on the castle is not something I think we should do. But what else is there. There was an idea of trying to use invisible to hide us and get to, or into the castle. But not all or for this, or will even partake in this action. So what else , do we do. We are definitely not some beginner adventurers. But we are not crazy powerful to assault a cloud giant castle an take on, an evil kirin. I am open to hear ideas.
And here is a PIC of the enemy Kirin! All DM repainted with magical and mystical colors! Maybe I'm wrong but I think it looks pretty crazy cool from its original!
Can you beat it is the question?