We start next week at the top of initiative against the Huge Cloud Tiger which IS the beloved pet of the Cloud Giant Leader, Varouga!! Oh, would her rage reach an epic level if her beloved pet was slaughtered! I'm waiting for it to happen to amp up her stats significantly! In truth I'm not sure if you can even defeat her pet and if you do I doubt you'll all survive!
So much ahead on this journey and I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am knowing that the end will be so EPIC!
DM Speaks:
I agree the group has been successful against many difficult challenges. I'm glad that's recognized so if there is failure you understand the DM didn't plan on your demise 😘. This is a tough mission but it is somewhat recognizable in its danger (giants = heavy damage). Of course there's other things involved but you gotta know there will be damage dealt.
Secret Words of the week for 500 xp's are Blue and Red and if you tell me who or what the Blue and Red refer to in game ya' get another 500 xp's. Thanks for reading and being part of our game outside of Wednesday!
Sean Speaks: In my opinion this is an EPIC mission .... there has been a number of challenges that we have faced ...and each time we have had success. 1) finding the beer 2) making it to the top of the Endless Stairs 3) Defeating the Dar Kirin 4) facing the White Dragon Sarafeece and being victorious (twice) yets she survives and may still be an issue. I see the Cloud Giants as the last part of the puzzle and know they will be the penultiate challenge before we get the sword.
Kylor Speaks: SeaDogs!!! We must stay focused at our task and have each others back... together we will be victorious ...being able to purge a great evil from our world while also completing the task that Captain Bluebeard has given us. Did every one see Tacomauro leap behind that giant and take it out?? This tiger is going to be a a real challenge
I disagree because if we fail and flee then so be it. The captain might not admit it, but he would want us to survive and keep producing formhim. It is the aim of any business entity.
What good is sending your employees to their death? It is instantaneous out of business!
We will give this our very best, but if it comes down to our end...fleeing is a possibility, we should take it without question
This mission is extremely tough. I didn't think we would get spotted so soon, while approaching the castle. And now we got some epic battle going on. This will not be easy. But we have to keep going. I hate to say it. But I feel it's all or nothing here. I just dont feel abandoning the mission is an option. It's either we face the giants wraith or the wicked wench.
DM Post Again:
I'm not sure you recognize but YOU ARE a powerful group! I've recognized this 2 months ago and have planned. That means enemies have been ramped up a bit as well as challenges! In the end challenges will be somewhat simple to almost overwhelming as it will play out depending on your actions and success.