DM Speaks:
I'm excited to be back in the underwater ruins. There is still so much to explore and gain. However, now you're traveling without Taladel and undead will be a bigger threat! Additionally, you are losing one of great leadership, pride, power and battle capability in the front line. BIG, BIG LOSS!
However, this new guy Ollie is a known friend of Sindrax and a member of the Wicked Wench so hopefully he fits in seamlessly with the Sea Dogs. Only time will tell as the Sea Dogs in general do have trust issues. Will exploring these deep-sea ruins be the demise of the group with their new weaker member or will it be something else such as Desicus and Beluri capitalizing on your weakening! Oh, such a ripe time to wipe out the Sea Dogs!
It was a fun game tonight with epic role playing at the table. Emotions were high, and it showed. It is great how invested we all are with our characters and the game. But remember that a loss can sprout new, fascinating and fun opportunities you may have never expected as a player. Enoy the new opportunity but NEVER forget your past enjoyment!
Ohhh snap. I knew Dessuicus, would still be messing with us. And I see. I was his focus, this time. And at the same time, this gnome, shows up. 🤔
DM Speaks:
The points for Briggledebumm Boppisox's denial to join make complete sense and maybe you averted danger (that's an unknown). In time the group will need an addition, but I'd gather it will be on your terms and one you consider by your own choice.
I will throw other opportunities out from time to time and maybe have some NPC's that you have encountered come asking and dealing. I'm feeling that an NPC addition would be great now. I've held off on this for quite some time even with some request and interest by players. I'm feeling it right now, but when that feeling "leaves" there may be no more interested NPC's to join the Sea Dogs. 😄 We shall see.
UPDATE: I've been thinking about this a lot. Some NPC opportunities will certainly be better than others. Better in different ways as some will be better in combat situations while other will be better with their connections. Some will have great ability to aid in battle while others will have the ability to rescue if needed. In the end there will be many choices offered until you choose 1 (if any). There will be a limit of offerings and when the "well run dries" there will be no more for quite some time. You don't know when it runs dry so being too picky can be a detriment to gaining another member.
There is no guarantee that the member is not one to cause issue and maybe even be working for an enemy, but most will be ones simply looking to join - such as the BEST you passed - Briggledebumm Boppisox.
DM Speaks:
I'll continue our mission journey here since we are continuing our Dwakkah exploration. FIRST, what a NIGHT! The group battled a bunch of Beings of Ib but were only able to kill a few until they retreated. These welted monstrosities were quite disgusting and formidable. Supposedly these are only the "Beings of Ib" and an IB resides somewhere!
I'd gather most important is that the group met with a male gnome artistic singer Briggledebumm Boppisox who was interested in joining the group in their endeavor, but the group voted him down 2/2 with the leaders vote carrying.
There was discussion of that next week the group may decide to bring Briggledebumm Boppisox to Captain Bluebeard to see what he thinks of this silly gnome who played major tricks on the group while they resided in his inn. He thought these tricks would prove his value while some in the group were bothered by this. His picture has been posted.
I feel there was so much more but at this point I just posted what really came to mind. Please add to the post and share your thoughts. Was a great night and thank you.
And the Secret Word is - Desicus Lives for 1,000 xp's
I agree upon reflection on our last game, it definitely markers a turning point within our game. On a personal note, I feel terrible about Taladel’s departure from the SeaDogs. I want to truly acknowledge and apologize in and out of came for my role in Taladel, leaving the group. While it was never my intention to cause friction or contribute to his leaving, I do take full responsibility for my actions and choices in game that lead to Taladel’s departure from the SeaDog.
The loss of Taladel is a devastating loss for the group. Taladel’s abilities in and out of combat aided the group. He was unstoppable machine against those of evil, He was able to assist in healing, and he was able to handle social situations. Taladel was also the moral compass of the group. He kept the SeaDogs, lawful and good for the most part. SO Yes, the loss of Taladel is a hard blow to the SeaDogs.
Despite this huge loss and the game always goes on. Change is inevitable, and while Taladel's absence is fresh and felt deeply, I believe in our resilience and ability to adapt and evolve to new situations.
I also agree that the new addition to our group holds promise to what brings to the SeaDogs and the story of our game . While it will take some time for him to find his place in our group and to fully find a way to fully integrate his skills into the group. There is some exciting potential for growth and new dynamics that would benefit the Sea Dogs as a whole. Especially since Sindrax and Ollie already have an existing relationship.
Regardless of what lies ahead, I am determined to continue having fun and making the most out of our adventures. The Sea Dogs have faced adversity before, and we will face it again with courage and camaraderie. Here's to moving forward, together, and to the new experiences and triumphs that await us.
DM Speaks:
Here is a pic of Ollie....
Last game was definitely crazy and intresting. I will say things are definitely worse. We lost alot of group power. Taladel did provide alot of damage in combat and also alot of utility with his healing. That stuff will have an effect moving forward. But we have dealt with loss before in the group with viseck. And we did move on, and still continued and made it work. Can we do that again. I guess time will tell. Can the new guy provide something new to the group and make up for the loss of the group power. Yes he could, but in time and in different ways, that could prove to be very beneficial to the Sea dogs, as a whole. I want to personally say, on this site. And I even told this Mike as well. I do feel bad about taladel leaving. His departure from the group , definitely had to do with my doing. I did play a part in it. I do apologize for being part of the departure of taladel. But the game and campaign still continues. I have had a ton of fun with the campaign. And I will continue to make it fun. Even though things are very different, then they where a few weeks ago. What will happen with Sindrax. Will he better then he was. before or will he be worse. I dont really know. Things will be alot tougher, then they ever have been. I do believe Dessicus will attack/bother us. Moving forward. And I guess we will just have to see where that goes. Maybe something can happen. Where the sea dogs will kill him. Or maybe not. But whatever happens now. I will continue to have fun, with what it is now. Whatever way I can.