DM Post:
We ended in the deep-sea ruins of Dwakkah understanding the need to find the 4 parts of the sunken ship for Captain Bluebeard (Bow/Front Part, Stern/Back Part, Deck/Walking Surface, Hull/Main Body). The entirety is not needed but simply a piece of each. This will allow the captain to magically amplify the Wicked Wench.
Understanding the recovery mission, there is opportunity for the group to also find magic without question!
Beginning their investigation of Dwakkah the group came across an area called the Triad Research Center but decided this was something they would investigate later. It had a large swirling misty Triad Card on the door with 10's all around! Worrisome at the least!
The group then headed to an area called the Gathering (Area #35) where the group saw numerous sea drakes swimming towards them. This is where we start next week! So much adventure, mystery, danger, opportunity and treasure awaits in this deep sea sunken city of Dwakkah!
On Another Note: It was great having Sean join the game. It felt like a good connection!
Kylor Speaks:
(looking toward the Sea Elf Quavol) What do we know about Sea Drake? Any weaknesses?? I believe that I heard something about electrical damage?? Either they can do it or they are susceptible to it??
Sean II's thoughts:
Thanks guys. Can't wait to begin adventuring with you all.
Was the Triad card surrounded by 11's or 10's? I thought I heard 11's.....
Kylor Speaks:
The mission we are doing for the Captain does not just empower the Wicked Wench and Captain BlueBeard. It empowers us the SeaDogs. This may give us an opportunity to grow strong enough to face a defeat Desicus. The defeat of Desicus is a priority for us for our Brother Taladel used his trump to ensure we take on this task, and we shall. This mission for the Captain and the defeat of Deaicus are related. By empowering the Wicked Wench the Captain can do more good on the Seas and waters of our world. It also strengths us. We know Desicus has already defeated more power and seasons groups of goodness. Let's us this opportunity to strengthen ourselves and find out unity together. Since loosing Viceak, as group we have been off. We need to have trust and faith in each other's abilities once again, before we can hope to defeat Desicus. Let's use our time here wisely.
We also have Flea to consider. I feel there is more to hom than he presents ... He has intelligence and cunning in his eyes. I know he has not yet shown us what he can do yet. I truly believe that the Captain was very smart and calculating in giving him to us. FLEA is much more than he seems
Taladel speaks:
I pray for forgiveness...evi overtakes goodness in our world and I am here searching for treasure....
This will be tough. I can see it already. there are things here, that may not have been touched for over 100 years. But remember why we are here. this will make the wicked wench, very powerful. We will not let the captain down.