1st: Kylor: 16 Items Found / 323 Rounds
2nd: Taladel: 15 Items Found / 321 Rooms
3rd: Quavol: 16 Items Found / 340 Rounds
4th: Sindrax: 15 Items Found / 334 Rounds
I placed characters in the order I feel they are to success. If you disagree let me hear it! Regardless of who's in the lead it is a TIGHT RACE and I bet all agree that it will go till the end to decide the winner.
As a reminder the winner of this challenge doesn't get the estate. They simply get the best "situation" in the final challenge to see if they are successful. If they are not the next gets the same opportunity to see if they can acquire the Estate. I'm figuring another 1-2 weeks at most, but we are missing some next week!
The game has been a blast so far. Some rooms are just crazy. Like the bubble room. Very curious to see what the last room is going to be like.
I totally agree that it is still anyone's game. I know i said it before, but it needs to be repeated. The fact that this is such a tight race underscores how well the DM put the challenge together. The balance of the game demonstrates the time, and effort of the DM to make a game where one particular class or character build runs away with the game. Thank you john for all your hard work.