DM Post #1
First, I am starting at Post #1 since the site is new. We have to leave the past behind and start anew. It will not be easy.
So, I have a mass of stuff! Too much crap to put away and I continue to buy. Yes, we all know I have a problem. However, this obsession is good and fun. I just need to figure out, with me being the oldest, when I die where it goes. Who wants 100,000 minis and another 10,0000 pieces of terrain? I don't even know the numbers anymore but unless Justin wants them, they are yours! Now don't start hoping for my early departure to get the goods! Let's not even start with accessories!
Post #137
For those that love our game I'm happy to announce that the mission voted as most desired is inches away from ready. You might not even recall what you desired but I do and have been working on a conglomeration of desires with one top desire in mind which matched mine. This adventure will certainly be fun and something which I think you'll all enjoy! It was aksed for by some! I hear bones a creakin' or is that the slow moan of the ancient?
By the way 3 of 5 players got the bonus xp's this week! Good for you! Rewards will be gifted to those participating in our weekly game on the boards. I thank you!
And here is a pick of what I'm working on....
I hope we can game on together for as long as we can! We have a great group of friends that meet every week. That in of itself is fantastic but we also have great fun! I hope I never have to recruit another player to our game as us 6 are perfect. I'd rather not introduce a new player to the table if at all possible as it would be hard to replace any of you with your play style, personality and most important the friendship! Each must commmit to play till they die 💀