I thought I'd add a fun post regarding things you hear when talking to other NPC's, traveling, buying goods, adventuring, etc. These are things you hear while talking to various NPC's that we don't role play at the table.
Below I'll post rumors you hear as a group or individual and you can simply do nothing with them or investigate if curious. Is this information true is unknown and the only way to find out is to do research or investigate. Now for fun I've added a little caveat to this post.
I'm asking you for a True or False vote for each rumor.
Whenever a rumor is posted vote below whether you believe it's TRUE or FALSE. If you guess correctly, you'll gain 500 xp's.
Vote below each post simply stating TRUE or FALSE.
PLEASE DO NOT start a new post to answer. Simply "REPLY" to that particular post with your answer and if you'd like add reason for your vote.
Rumor Accuracy Chart (1 Rumor)
Dan: 1
Sean: 1
Mike: 1
John: 1
Rumor #2:
There will be another Ghlavis Rho attack on Krinthius!
True or False?