I love underdark creatures especially beholders. Back in the day they were selling a collector's box set of 4 distinct beholders. There was a Beholder Eye of Frost, Ghost Beholder, Beholder Eye of Shadow and a Beholder Eye Tyrant.
All extremely cool and this was the first time they ever made a mini of a different type of beholder. I was so excited I bought 4 boxes. Each of these monsters is extremely deadly on its own, but imagine there were 4 of any of them? My point is why the hell did I ever buy 4 of these Collector Beholder Box Sets?
Today, if you can even find them a box of these beholder goes for $239 on Amazon! I see them nowhere else! Link below to see. We all know Amazon is usually the best price around (they have 2 sets left). WotC did release a new Beholder Box set which goes for $38 and you get 3 beholders. To be honest the new beholders probably look better than the originals but that's never the point with collectors. I still have the boxes for the orginal beholders so could probably sell the 3 sets in near mint condition for $1,000. (yeah, you need a buyer for this price but there are crazy collectors out there)! I'll wait till Amazon sells it's last 2 and then hit the market! These cannot be found elsewhere from what I've seen.
Strangely, one of my Beholder Eye of Shadows is a much lighter translucent color than the rest. I've never seen any like this and wonder if it was a factory defect. Point being it may get even more money being so different and distict from what it was supposed to look like. It looks just as good and maybe even better! Here is a pic of the originals. I have not bought the new beholder set because of how many I already have besides these but they do look very nice and who knows maybe the value will sky rocket as well.
And here are the new beholders. They look absolutely awesome!
Those new ones, are very cool.looking.
The detail is great. look at the plague on the teeth for example lol