DM Speaks:
Yesterday we had a slight mishap with one of the flight stands and agreed to contribute to get some additional ones. The ones we have are perfect, so I wanted only them. I only found 2 sites which sell them at a reasonable price.
$9.99 +0 shipping = Around $10 for 2
*I'm getting them from Amazon and will get 2 sets for 4 ADDITIONAL FLIGHT STANDS when needed. The total is $19.58. So, $4 each. Hope this is good.
Litko Mini Accessory Flying Figure Stands - 25mm Round (2) Pack New | eBay
$7.95 + $6.30 shipping = Around $14 for 2 and around $30 for 4.
Flight Stands arrived. They come disassembled so I will have to carefully glue them together. Got 4.