DM Speaks:
Yesterday we had a slight mishap with one of the flight stands and agreed to contribute to get some additional ones. The ones we have are perfect, so I wanted only them. I only found 2 sites which sell them at a reasonable price.
$9.99 +0 shipping = Around $10 for 2
*I'm getting them from Amazon and will get 2 sets for 4 ADDITIONAL FLIGHT STANDS when needed. The total is $19.58. So, $4 each. Hope this is good.
Litko Mini Accessory Flying Figure Stands - 25mm Round (2) Pack New | eBay
$7.95 + $6.30 shipping = Around $14 for 2 and around $30 for 4.
Flight Stands arrived. They come disassembled so I will have to carefully glue them together. Got 4.
Agreed, definitely worth it ... once again sorry ... also remember there was another stand that showed stress and could easily snap next
YES. We defiantly need those. And are a must, for the game.