I'm creating this post to separate my DM ramblings from my creative ideas, creations and paints. This post will contain most of my creations, reconstructed mini pics and images.
Amazon gave us the day off tomorrow with pay! Amazing. They are doing maintenance in the building so for the first time in 3 years I got a free day off gifted by Amazon! WOW! Anyways with my day off I decided to work on a mission dealing with the Underdark. Some of you may love this location while others may hate it. Regardless I promise you it will enlighten all of your adventurous needs.
Personally, I love the Underdark and it's been so long since I've had a group adventure in it for an extended period of time. I also remember that there will only be 2 at the game next week! Well, I have something special in store for the two of you! Good or bad is undetermined although I'll be honest, I usually sway the good for a small player game at about 80% in your favor.
And just for the hell of it here are some plastic toy butterflies which I painted to make much more (both front and back). I think they're quite pretty so must be harmless!
They're original look was something like these spiders (below - which will be painted and upgraded). However, they were plain white plastic unlike these black. I forgot to take a picture at the start but at least this gives you an idea of what the plastic toys look like when bought! One color plastic.
Which of the 3 Butterfly paints you like best for 500 XP? Left, Center, Right?
Creative Post #61
Amazon gave us the day off tomorrow with pay! Amazing. They are doing maintenance in the building so for the first time in 3 years I got a free day off gifted by Amazon! WOW! Anyways with my day off I decided to work on a mission dealing with the Underdark. Some of you may love this location while others may hate it. Regardless I promise you it will enlighten all of your adventurous needs.
Personally, I love the Underdark and it's been so long since I've had a group adventure in it for an extended period of time. I also remember that there will only be 2 at the game next week! Well, I have something special in store for the two of you! Good or bad is undetermined although I'll be honest, I usually sway the good for a small player game at about 80% in your favor.
And just for the hell of it here are some plastic toy butterflies which I painted to make much more (both front and back). I think they're quite pretty so must be harmless!
They're original look was something like these spiders (below - which will be painted and upgraded). However, they were plain white plastic unlike these black. I forgot to take a picture at the start but at least this gives you an idea of what the plastic toys look like when bought! One color plastic.
Which of the 3 Butterfly paints you like best for 500 XP? Left, Center, Right?