This was brought up as a point of interest and I think is a good question. What happens if a player misses a game with their searching? I have a pretty simple and direct answer but since it was brought up for discussion, I thought it was best to post here on the boards. Please post your thoughts on what should happen if a player misses a game and their room search falls way behind.
Obviously if a player does miss it will hinder them tremendously in their room search and opportunity to win and inherit the estate.
I say take the average of the rooms searched and divide by half to determine the number of the sided dice to roll. (For example: 14 rooms searched then the person who missed rolls a 1d6+1 to determine how many rooms they searched.) The rooms searched should take 1d6+3 turns. Remove just rooms that don't have items if that is possible. Items should only be gained in person.