DM Speaks:
We end at the Monastery of Souls. That sounds innocent enough or does it? The individual that accompanied you here (Vesib Vonner) transformed into some sort of demonic being? Is that to keep you out of the Monastery or is he a single entity or something else?
Either way we start next week with this entity gaining surprise on attacks or not!
The Monastery is right before you and a great game by all!
Top gamer tonight got 13 checks which equals 7,800 bonus game xp's! Nice job! Remember, you gain xp's from game encounters, creature encounters and dealing with them, posts on the boards and game play! The 7,800 bonus xp's were given to this player for game play!
On another note someone got 12 prayer points added to their character tonight! That's a nice add!
This mystery will be solved Wednesday I believe.
Kylor Speaks: Vesib stated several times that he cannot work for evil. Vesib also reported that he researched us, but didn't provide where his information came from. Also, when asked why he didn't go to a larger church of us god in a major city, he only stated it didn't occur to him. Those key facts when put with Taledel's ability to detect evil, makes me think that perhaps he may by an entity or servant of the god who the Monastery of Souls belongs to (Gozer?). Perhaps, he kept his true form secret from us as a test to see for himself, the good within us. I say we use diplomacy, to communicate first but if the entity attacks then we return attacks in kind. Seadogs we have to be ready for anything.
I could swear the entire time on boat Vessib was blinking at me. What evil magic/forces are at play here. If attacked this is nothing meese new War Hammer can’t solve. Meese believe Monastery hold something that he hunger and only Sea Dogs can recover. Hope he bring more than his cloak to this battle for me War Hammer ready to sing Rattata Rattata Tollyho Tollyho.. Prepare to dance Sea Dogs!
Maybe vesib wasn't they entity he is now. At the time on the boat. Maybe he has been possoed or something. Now that we are in the area of the chruch. And maybe the reason you didnt detect anything. I guess we shall see what he does next. Will he attack us. Or is something using him, to communicate with us. If he attacks, we will fight back. There seems to be alot more going on here, than what we have been told.
Mike speaks:
i am hopeful this is not an evil entity that has hired us to come here as a trick....
Maybe this is one of good?
Taladel speaks:
"What is this...that stands before me?"
I checked this being for evil the instant i laid eyes on him and felt nothing! with me!