Thank the gods we found it. I must say my rogue abilities are not as strong underwater as above water. I hope the sea hag doesnt use underwater traps. Not really sure what to expect on this mission. But I hope it's a score. Didnt seem like it went to well on the Reek mission.
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Kylor Speaks: The SeaDogs is a group that is loyal and works directly for Captain Bluebeard as a specialized group that is to accomplish tasks/missions that he gives us. It is our place to complete the missions that he give us. He usually does not care how they are completed just that he gets the end result of coin/gems/treasure. In the past, the Captain would have had the crew make examples of some of the defending crew of the REEK and could have taken some fingers as reminders not to cross him. I feel that the way we handled the REEK was the best option. For it quickly incapacitated the captain of the REEK and its crew without causing harm to them. We intimidated and threatened them to get the information we needed again without causing harm. Those are not terrible deeds in my book but acts of mercy and kindness as opposed to what I have seen occur in the past. Pirates are not kind holy men with gentle words that protect the weak.
Yes, I tried to walk the ways of good and law and found that the ways of good just didn't pay because of the headache of having a sense of duty that is responsible for solving other people's problems. Being good just didn't sit well, especially blindly helping those because its the right thing. Where were these people when I was abandoned and left to fend for myself on the streets? To be candid I am glad ones of goodness didn't step in for me, for I learned how to care for myself and to depend upon myself. While I do have my own personal code of order and rules, which makes me loyal to the SeaDogs, the Wicked Wench, and the Captain well as makes my word my bond.
Taladel speaks:
I am glad we can speak of the actions of our group. I have to say i was disappointed in what went on. I should not have been the only one to refuse this mission.
Threatening and intimidating and taking action, even non lethally, are terrible deeds, and will always reflect badly on the Sea Dogs on Krinthius..
I know not all of you are good, but some of you made me think you were and have now turned away from such. I know I should not have expected more from the group...but I did and cannot help but be disappointed. But it is business and life goes on...
And just to clarify...I only made a plea and an offer to the Captain which he took favorably. I did not speak or act against him, nor did I question him or show disloyalty. I do hope he respects my ideals. We will see how his move toward the ways of good goes.
Kylor Speaks: SeaDogs It is good that we speak of our actions or lack of actions when it came to the seige of the Reek. Captain Bluebeard gave us an order/task to quickly get the cargo. Through the use of magic and intimidation we were able to incapacitate the captain and crew of the quickly without causing harm to them. The disappointment was that the SeaDogs were divided in following the task given. Despite the fact that we agreed to complete the task given by the Captain. Taladel was the only one to voice that he could not take action against the REEK; but would provide support should the group need it. I understand we all have different moral outlooks, but we are a group and I expect us to support each other. My actions toward the Reek were done to be mindful of causing the least amount of harm while quickly fulfilling the Captain’s task. Just as a reminder, no matter how much someone disagrees with the Captain and his actions. It is never appropriate to question him, his authority, or his actions in front of the crew. This has never gone well. The group needs to remember their place. IF you disagree, approach the Captain in private away from the eyes and ears of the crew. I have no problem with the Captain getting his income from taking from those who are either evil or associate with those who do evil. I am no goodie two shoes but I can respect what good does, my personal code is a bit less restrictive in that domain.
DM Speaks:
The outcome with the Reek was unexpected. I had all the minis ready to go along with the boats, stats, etc. I was looking forward to this battle in that it would have been an easy one for the group. However, I understand what the group did and Taladel's words with Captain Bluebeard. It worked for now, but at some point, you need to present him with alternate opportunities to gain coin.
For now, however, you have reached the Sea Crone lair entrance. Maybe if defeated there will be riches that can satisfy both you and the Captain.
Taladel speaks:
I thank Iomedae for my prayer to us more chances to find what we came looking for..
And i can only look to her with thanks for how the Reek seige played out. I fear that if very valuable goods were found, the captain would have been overwhelmed and exercised bad judgement with the goods and maybe the captain and crew of the ship...I spoke to him for the first time of looking at his views of the universe and the ways of the good. I am beyond happy to say I was not dismissed. There was a chance i could have found myself in the Brig or even walking the plank...but it seemed he was open to looking at it. He put it on me to come up with missions that would be against ones of evil, that would be lucrative...
And i was so proud of the Captain for letting the boat go with their cargo and their lims and digits all attached...
I will ask the group to do the same. We have veered off the course of good. I would like to believe you were all just following orders....please do not lose the goodness within you!!