We start next week ready to gamble in Smuggler's Cove. A burly ogre bodyguard stands vigilant at the enntrance and many other patrons sit at tables testing their wares and eying the newcomers. Two dealers stand dispensing cards and tossing dice hoping for the luck of the house. Seems like a small and fun establishment!
However, you are here for more than the gambling. You want to draw in Gnogor, no Gagop, no Googoo, what was his name again? Well it's Gnaiver Timbor and how dangerous or not may he be? You may find out if you can draw him out!
You know Captain Bluebeard expects you to intimidate him into an agreement for safety payment each month of 100gp's. If he does not agree Captain Bluebeard says he must be killed and another will be appointed in his position possibly you!
The Captain is who he is and the group, to my surprise, voted to continue their travels with him! I must say I was happy with the vote!
Yes I think this is going to go terribly. I really think it was a bad idea to accept this mission.
Queenie Red said this is more dangerous than the giants and it feels like iit has potential to become that. We are likely tangling with a high powered thieves guild. Lets all keep in mind not do anything to invite a death warrant. Taladel is only for making the offer...nothing further. but that alone will invite conflict and probable battle
The captain played us as real pawns on this one.
Something about this place give meese feeling of danger. Need to protect back & front and make sure beard is attentive as well. Where there is trouble you can always find gold & gem.
DM Speaks:
Here you are ready to gamble with some dice and cards at Smuggler's Cove. Seems like a fun small establishment. What could go wrong in such a small quant setting?
Mike speaks:
I do feel maybe the group has made too much of the fear of AHA' group, especially as it applies to the captain. I get that it is a concern....but don't think we have to resort to battle to the death to earn their respect. In fact, our elimination of the cloud giants may have already began to do that
And all the talk of attacking them will likely get back to them and force a battle on their terms
I know we are mad the way they have tricked us...but how mad will you be if the battle ends in a TPK at their hands!
We have decided to stay with the Captain and I am glad. I do wonder what it takes to acheive "favorite" staus with him though...We are almost 14th level and have worked for him for all of it...and we have been very profitable of late. So hopefully we are working towards that..
DM Speaks Again, AgainĀ and Again:
One last point! GREAT GAME! What role playing invovement tonight. It was spectacular! Next point, what fun with a full house. You are all great but having a FULL house is awesome (and there are bonus xp's for making 4 weeks straight). You know I am a never ending creative Junkie. The game, the boards, the painting of minis, the creating of stat blocks, the maps...... enough. I do this because of my love for it and you. If there wasn't a "YOU" then there wouldn't be a need to do this unless I went public and tried publicizing my stuff for a few bucks. I'd so much rather "YOU"!
DM Speaks Again and Again:
You are so worried about this Allis Habba Al' Group! I'm sorry, but I chuckle a bit as DM. They have been an annoyance but you feel they are a dreaded enemy that needs to be eliminated. So be it if that's your perspective but I do wonder about many choices and decions of this group unlike others? Maybe the Sea Dogs are different and that's the reason for my wonder!
Oh, the Allis Habba Al' wait and are always ready! Come they say and meet your end! They would venture to say "you are cowards and will never face them in an up front battle"!
DM Speaks Again:
I have very strong opinions on Captain Bluebeard, the Wicked Wench and Queenie Red! I'll just say they are individuals and a ship which has lasted for a long time. That usually means they got something good going on and maybe it's not seen!
DM Speaks Again:
I must add my thoughts and opinions on the Captain Bluebeard "leave" idea. I wish I had an NPC to speak but I didn't so tried to remain quiet to the best of my abilities. However, now I can speak my mind and it must be heard!
First I believe YOU are the lucky ones to be connected with the Wicked Wench, Captain Bluebeard and First Mate Queenie Red. I feel you underestimate their power beyond the Wicked Wench and treat them as simple pirates. Yes, they are but they have many connections, allies, favors owed and knowledge of so many things you don't.
The two leaders (Bluebeard and Queenie Red) are quite powerful and I feel their strength is way underesitimated. You've seen the Captin in battle and I recall serious admiration. But maybe I'm wrong?
Captain Bluebeard has a City on the Sea! Yes, he does and if atacked he has all members standing by his side to assist. You may figure all crew are weak 1-2 level individuals but lets assume they are. 50 1-2 level character can easily take you down! Simple Grapple and auto damage round to round unless you are strong enough to break the grapple which is a full round action so lets grapple them again! Use magic? Yes, but that is NO guaranteed victory.
Get the picture? When you have huge numbers against you things are much different especially if some of those numbers are not all 0 level individuals. A 1st-3rd level minion could add to a problem of masses very quickly!
Now, you are an asset to the Wicked Wench but Captain Bluebeard is not looking to win any best buddy conest. He is comfortable with the current relationship and that's to bring him wealth and stand by his side when needed. For that he rewards you with what he sees fit.