So, the group decided to head to a small port to resupply and have fun before heading to Dr. Rorrett's House of Horror. This House of Horror is some sort of menagerie of danger created by an insane doctor. Sounds frightening and more than likely dangerous. Captain Bluebeard is sailing there and is getting paid for your testing of this insane labyrinth! He expects your best! Captain Bluebeard and First Mate Queenie Red both seem to be in good spirits with all of you! Seems like the group is doing well abourd the Wicked Wench so far!
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Sean Speaks:
I have to agree this new campaign has been truly awesome.. truly out of the box and unique opportunities for us as players. Character skills have always been vital- however in this setting it is important to ensure you are able to do a little bit of everything. Kadan speaks: We have done well ... capturing the standards ... and gain favor and respect from Captain Bluebeard and First Mate Queenie Red. I look forward to our time at the port to relax ... and then to face this challenge at Dr. Rorrett's House of Horror. I don't know what we will have to face but as long as we work together we will make the Captain proud by proving that the crew of the Wicked Wench is the best of the best on the sea.
Another point to make...usually at such low levels, we can only travel as far as feet can take we can go anywhere in Krinthius by sea!! It really opens up the possibilities at such an early juncture for the group. And I am loving that..
Pete Speaks: Excited for this mission. Very interested to see how John will role play madman genius as well as any peculiar mini's. I only receive a few skill points for next level and will need to be very strategic. May need to allocate all to Fly although swim, climb and acrobatics are terrible as well. Viceak Speaks: Sandstone, me head is hard as iron and tha queenie lady goin learn that goin take more that bottle to hurt me skull. See ya in the morn!
DM Speaks:
Thanks for the comments, Dan and Mike. Enjoy the read and remember BIG XP's for a post! Trying to entice you all!
Who knows where this campaign will take you. Yes, it's heavy on the sea endeavors but as you've seen there will be much on land as well. Think about this as a cool campaign where you get a taste of both. Previously water and sea adventure were at a minimum if at all. It was pretty much all land, Underdark, other planes, etc. Now your world is the sea, but the sea can take you anywhere even below the waters and into the Underdark!
You're now commissioned to arrive at a small island where some Doctor has created some sick and mad quarter to test the best and you are the ones testing it! Pretty crazy, original, worrisome and never before type mission! I promise there will be many more like this where you feel the originality in the adventure!
And yes, we totally needed that win, as we were beginning to to ask the Captain for more than we were worth..His attitude towards us was taking a really bad turn. this win turned that in the other direction. We need to add to it from here with success at Dr Rorrett's House of Horror!
Mike speaks:
Yes, totally different that anything we have ever played. And playing the conventional character, battle tested dungeon crawler is really going to put at a disadvantage! My myself was thinking about taking an extra skill point last night and still may....either can mean life or death!
We really needed that win last night, with the standards. I felt that the captain wasnt happy at all, with ruby mission. And now with rumors floating around with the crew of bad omens. That he was being put into a tight spot. Being a captain on ship is no easy task at all. Order must be maintained at all times. And he also has to keep up the moral of the crew. With a boat, things can change for the worst for a captain at any given time. As for this house of horrors. I am like WTH is this all about. What in the world has the DM thought up now. This sounds like something he has made up, a while back. And BAMM , this is the perfect opportunity to present it. This campaign has been the most unique, I have ever seen. It is so, not the norm. But I love the adventure it presents. And this campaign has made me ,totally thinking different then ever before. Character weight, skills are so important now, then ever before. I can almost see for the first ever, that people may actually choose the skill point over the hit point, when leveling up. It's just that important. Cant wait to see what horrors awaits us, next week.