DM Speaks:
We start next week with the group at the bottom of the Deacon Ocean looking at the Ashtite Shadowsphere! Imagine it as an upside-down triangle. It seems you can only gain entrance from the pointed bottom of the structure. Inside supposedly resides some unknown community.
The Sea Dogs are about to see the reality of what's inside for Captain Bluebeard and his pockets!
For visual clarification.........
It is not this straight with the lines, but it is of this shape. The walls and ceiling are much more ragged and curved but form a triangle shape.
Kylor Speaks: We are about to enter the Ashtite Shadowsphere we need to be ready for anything. We also have the man that rescued by the Captain who provided this information. (he says he worships Caden but has the mark of Asmodeus tattooed on the back of his neck ) We all need to be ready for anything from his and inside the spire.
Sean Speaks: I believe this is more connected to Desicus than we currently think. The reason I feel this is the guy with SeaDogs, his response to learning that someone attacked a temple of his god, his tattoo, plus this Shdowspere itself has an otherworldly feel. Could I be wrong hell yeah, but it could also be correct